Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Many decisions

I have a big decision to make. We have found a new place to live. It will save us money, it is surrounded by trees instead of irritating neighbors and cars. It provides a very large yard with bunnies to play in. It has 2 full bathrooms instead of just 1.5. Washer and Dryer in garage. Garage for storage. Bathtub is bigger than the one we have now. The kitchen is such a step up, which is a HUGE plus for me. When we watch our friends dog, she can actually move in with us for the weekend. The bedrooms are smaller. There is no central air or heat, but there are 3 air conditioners, and space heaters available. It is very isolated. We will be farther from Aiken, but closer to North Augusta, and close to Augusta also. Am I crazy to be thinking about this. Do I really want to live in the "country"? Doing this will get us closer to being debt free and allow us to save up to one day purchase an actual home. This is my biggest draw to the apartment. I want to have an actual real home that is all mine one day. Let me know what you think. Thanks....


ETA: I forgot to mention one of the biggest cons of all. It is behind a business and stinks most days. Inside it doesnt smell, but if we wanted to eat on the deck we would be smelling rats and mice. My friend that is offering this property to us breeds them for feed for snakes and reptiles. So if I can deal with the stinky stuff then It is worth it, but do I really want to deal with that...


  1. It seems to me that your pros list is much longer than your con list, but do they weigh the same? What about friends and family and jobs? Are you going to be spending what you saved in gas?

    It sounds like you're really excited, and I'd personally love the chance to move to a quieter neighborhood and have a yard. I think I'm more a country girl at heart. And owning a home is something I'd really like to do, so I'd likely take it if I could. But in the end, you know all the details much better than I ever could!

  2. Living in a house is so much better than living in an apartment because you actually have PRIVACY!! To me, that's priceless.

  3. Hey, girl, did y'all make a decision on this? Good luck, either way!

    Also, I tagged you in my blog: http://gildedbottle.blogspot.com/2008/12/seven-things.html
